Meeting Information

MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL: As the legislative branch of the City of Monticello government, the City Council holds open public meetings where local laws, policies, and basic decisions for the city are discussed and decided. 

City Council regular meetings are generally held the first Tuesday of each month, unless changed due to public holidays or election days.  Notice for all public meetings, along with agendas, are posted in advance of the meeting.  If you would like to receive regular notices of all city meetings and agendas by e-mail, please contact City Clerk Emily Anderson at 850/342-0292 or at

Public Comment at City Council Meetings:

The Monticello City Council recognizes that citizen input is important in the City Council's decision-making process, and opportunity for public comment is offered during all public Council meetings.  Public comment for non-agenda items is scheduled at the beginning of each regular Council meeting, and during the meeting for agendaed items.

 Protocol for Placing an Item on the City Council Agenda:

Any person or group desiring to be placed on the agenda shall make such request with the City Clerk by 4:00 p.m. at least eight (8) days prior to a meeting.  The request shall include:

A.  The name and address of the person making the request;

B.  The organization or group, if any represented;

C.  Content of the information to be presented.  If written material is to be passed out, a copy of such material;

D. An estimate of the time necessary for such presentation and discussion and action thereon;

E.  Specific action desired of the Council.

A form for request to be placed on the agenda can be found here.

CITY LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY:  The Monticello Local Planning Agency is an appointed Board which is responsible for review of applications for special exceptions, variances, zoning changes, site plans, subdivision preliminary plats and other concept plans.  Local Planning Agency recommendations are forwarded to the City Council for action.  The Local Planning Agency meets, as needed, after public notice.

CITY HISTORIC DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: The City Historic Design Review Board is an appointed Board which has advisory authority in recommending historic propertty and historic district designation; and providing recommendations to the City Council on applications for demolition or structure renovations in the historic district.   The Historic Design Review Board conducts regular quarterly in January, April, July, and October, and at special meetings, after notice.